Saturday, October 29, 2005


this fucking governor's one thing to have an honest dispute over issues, but Arnold's latest ads using corporate right-wing shills lying about the current rules for union members is just sick.

everything we value as a society about worker's rights was fought for (sometimes, literally, to the death) by unions and union members. it's a huge blind spot in the american educational system, largely because our schools are being privatized (read: run by business and teach the propaganda of both parties)...and the history of the american worker is being silenced, along with their current voice.

as the government runs wild with corporate welfare (from the supposedly anti big government right wing), it's astonishing to me that people don't identify themselves as being used by business...unions protect us from being nothing more than tools for the share holders. get fucking angry, people.

and if you vote against unions, don't ever cry when you (and not if) get fucked at the end of your career by the Enrons of the world. you voted for them.

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