Wednesday, October 05, 2005


more from Deepthroat

My buddy who last week shared the truly frightening dinner theater story about Madame (sans Wayland)...and who i shall from here on in dub "Deepthroat," as he needs to protect his high security super secret job at Cogswell Cogs, and can't be found blogging and needs his ID protected...anyway, he wrote me this AM that Nipsy Russell had died (and, yes, of course, no man is an island, and everyone's death diminished me, and all that, but let's whistle past the graveyard a bit, shall we?)...which led me to write to him:

but nipsey russell was so lame
no one worse on Match Game.

which i thought wasn't too bad...but he topped me with:

That is true he was not
Charles Nelson Reilly, or even Debralee Scott.
His tired rhymes invariably stank
When Gene Rayburn asked him to fill the "blank."

Yes! Out of the park.

any comments or match game related poems are most welcome.

and stay tuned for more from Deepthroat on oddball popular culture refereneces...Good work, son. How does Vice-President Jetson sound?

yes, first was maybe...hmmmm. rip taylor? actually he had more of an act than Nipsy...

Forster Brooks, maybe...."i'm drunk. get it?"

hardy har har.
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